Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Making a Space 4X Game: Technology

Making a Space 4X Game: Technology

By on June 28th, 2013 at 10:45 am
For this article I'm going to discuss technology in the game. On my previous article, A Living Galaxy, technology became a hot topic in the comment section so it only makes sense I write about it next.
What are 4X Games: a Definition and links to Games

What are 4X Games: a Definition and links to Games

By on August 4th, 2009 at 2:54 am
Although many Gamers are already familiarized with the term “4x” I decided to create an article in order to help introduce the concept for the so many that don’t know yet what it stands for, and also to clarify a bit the concept for the so many also that think they know what it stands for but are not completely sure about it.
Innovative Tech Trees in Space Strategy Games

Innovative Tech Trees in Space Strategy Games

By on July 19th, 2009 at 12:19 am
The ability to research new technologies was and always will be a central aspect of any space strategy game. Much of the fun in this type of games comes from witnessing the evolution of a society in the long run on all its different aspects.