And the highest bidder for the classic sci-fi real-time strategy Homeworld IP is… Gearbox Software.
Gearbox is a dev house best known by its notable… first-person shooters (Half-Life expansions, Duke Nukem titles, Borderlands series). Recently, they also developed Aliens: Colonial Marines, or, at least part of it as the story goes. So, it’s unclear why they decided to acquire a classic strategy title now. Most probably they intend to subcontract a studio experienced in developing strategy games for the job?
Gearbox announced the Homeworld IP purchase on their forums:
Gearbox Software has prevailed as the highest bidder in the acquisition of the Homeworld franchise from THQ. Brian Martel, Gearbox Software’s Chief Creative Officer, has great love and respect for Relic’s brilliant, fun and innovative game and personally spearheaded the acquisition.
Brian intends as first priority to direct Gearbox’s interest to preserve and assemble the purest form of the original acclaimed and beloved games, Homeworld and Homeworld 2, with the intent of making them accessible on today’s leading digital platforms.
Please visit the Gearbox Software Forums to share with us and Brian what you think should be done with Homeworld moving forward. And, please try to get our attention if you have capability and interest to join the effort in developing or enabling Homeworld’s future.
So, their first priority is to get the original games accessible on digital platforms, in one form or another. This may mean GOG, Steam or others. Most probably a straight update without major changes.
Naturally, they would theoretically want to do something with the IP other than just putting its games for sale again. And, they do express interest in hearing the community about what “should be done” with the Homeworld franchise in the future.
Well, that could have been worse, I guess. The IP could have been bought by a never heard of studio or by a large corporation with no immediate interest in doing something with the IP. Gearbox’s intentions to: a) put the original game(s) back on sale and b) hear the community about what should be done next, are surely good news.
But, no shooter heresy, please :)

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Well this looks interesting, as long as they don’t turn it into a shooter I’ll be happy… I’ll also be happy to play the game with out having to jump through hoops to get it to run on my new machine!
I’m a big fan of the Borderlands series, so I’m comfortable with Gearbox. That being said, Aliens: Colonial Marines was a disaster and I don’t recall anything resembling ground combat in any of the Homeworld games.
At least they should (in theory) have the resources and talent necessary to give justice to a rebirth of the Homeworld title.
I hope…
This is going to be fun…run and gun onboard a Hiigara destroyer. XD
Gearbox and Homeworld…………… I see a dead space style shooter set in cataclysm. I doubt we’ll get a good rts but can hope.
I like Gearbox Games, and I think they’ll do well.
I love Homeworld, and I hope they keep it RTS, but if they decide to make it a space shooter like the Descent/Freespace series, I’d be ok with that.
Say your goodbyes, it’s over.
That was…unexpected.
I doubt that I will buy anything from GB after A:CM fraud and epic fail.
I’m not a big fan of homeworld style RTS games, but that doesn’t stop me from recognizing it as the great milestone of 3D space strategy games that it represents.
Will be interesting to see what they can do with the franchise. Gearbox seem to be talented guys so we – or at least those who would like to have a homeworld sequel – might even get lucky.
Not so happy about this.Duke Nukem the last FAIL Borderlands GOOD Aliens: Colonial Marines EPIC FAIL!. no exp in this kind of game. But on the other hand hopefully a new homeworld awesome game.
I’m mostly glad the crowdfunded teamPixel people didn’t get it.
Some of the previous titles have been rough, but you know?
I’m glad SOMEONE has it.
i remember reading that that they bought homeworld due to a strong push by their creative director.
And that more taan anything gives me hope.
Since what was truly spectacular about homeworld, wasnt the combat, or even the rts aspect, it was the brilliant aesthetics and the cool infinite and melancholic atmosphere.
with the Creative lead being the pushing force behind the acquisition one can at least hope that this aspect of the game will be kept true.