Meet 5 Lives Studios, a small indie developer from Brisbane, Australia. One of the lead developers is Mike Diskett, who was also involved as a director during the development of Syndicate Wars. 5 Lives Studios started a (already successful) Kickstarter campaign to get funds to create the spiritual successor to Bullfrog’s 1996 hit Syndicate Wars, called Satellite Reign. The first pledged goal of £350,000 has already been met, as are the first two stretch goals, getting Russell Shaw, the composer of the original Syndicate series on-board, as well as translations into other languages.
Satellite Reign will be a “real-time, class-based strategy game, set in an open world cyberpunk city”. That already sounds impressive, doesn’t it. The artwork, as you can see on the image below, depicts a dystopian metropolitan city.
With less than three days to go until the end of the Kickstarter campaign, you can still fund the game, via the Kickstarter site or via PayPal. Which probably means you can still fund the game after the end of the Kickstarter campaign.
The game will be released by the end of 2014 for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. We’ll keep a close eye on this game, as it is definitely an interesting title. For more information check the Kickstarter campaign or the official website.
Currently, there is no actual gameplay footage, but one of the Kickstarter updates provides a short “In Engine Gameplay Visualization”’. Which means some pre-rendered animations where the devs show off how the gameplay would look like. You can watch it below.

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I loved the original Syndicate game, from 1993. The miniguns, the uzi, the powerful gauss launcher. That cyberpunk feeling really captured my imagination, although I didn’t know it was called cyberpunk at the time. I remember that the game was quite violent though. Blood, drugs and no morality whatsoever. I’m curious to see what comes out of this Satellite Reign project, which seems to be an attempt to create a spiritual successor to Syndicate. And, developed by some of the same people. This should be fun.
Should be fun indeed. I played the original Syndicate a lot, and then I mean A LOT.
I loved that game. Spent hours and hours to finish missions. I’ll keep a veryclose eye to this one! Maybe even back it.
Looks good, looks very playable. Played the first syndicate also allot, the second version I cant remember, don’t think it had that feeling the original had since it didn’t leave any memories with me.
I love Syndicate and Syndicate Wars (I just started playing SW after getting it from GOG). I hope they make something awesome but I’m not holding my breath. So far every video game kickstarter I’ve watched has either failed or released a mediocre unfinished game. I don’t blame the devs. Making a game–even a crappy one–is really hard.
Loved Syndicate and Syndicate Wars back in the day. Really looking forward to this game as it looks to capture the essence of the original Syndicate games and not the recent crap reboot.
I don’t care for the music in the Engine Gamplay Visualization trailer though, it sounds like some crap dance club dubstep Skrillx hogwash. Please tell me that is not going to be the type of music that fills the game.